ProfessionalCertified by the Building Professional Institute (BPI) . |
TestingWe are certified to perform Home Performance Audits for the Energy Wise Program offered by National Grid.We also test newly constructed homes for air leakage in the building envelope as well as leakage in the HVAC system as required by the RI Building Code. |
Going SkywardReady to offer classroom discussions and presentations for all civic, religious and construction trade groups concerning Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Building Science. |
we have the experience
Every Ocean State Energy Audit is a thorough examination of all the components that affect the efficiency of your home. This systematic approach looks at your home as a system and takes into account how every change will in turn affect other functions within that structure. This specialized analysis of your home's systems will generate a report that pinpoints which measures make the most economical sense in order to : improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling dollars and, the overall comfort of your family, as well as health and safety concerns.